

Experiential Learning

“the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience.” (Kolb, 1984)

We believe that not every classroom has four walls – in fact some of the most compelling lessons in life take place outside structured learning, in an environment of fun, adventure and the outdoors.

Thinking back to your own student days, what are the things you remember? Chances are it wasn’t a history or science lesson in a classroom, important though that is. It might have been an exceptional teacher or inspirational role model with a gift and passion who changed lives.

It might have been something that was initially really challenging, that was eventually mastered. Educators call that ‘desirable difficulties’, meaning that if something is initially difficult, we will actually learn it more deeply.

Chances are memories will be centred around activities and outcomes that were fun, challenging and experiential. We believe the outdoors is the best medium we know of, in providing lasting personal development and growth for students.

Our programs are based around:
Values Based Framework
Curriculum and in particular, co-curricular priorities
Self development opportunities

Values Based Framework

Creating an environment where meaningful connections can develop with others and with nature. Providing a place apart to appreciate silence, reflect and develop own values and goals.

Learning the importance of integrity in life, living honestly to core values and respecting other people’s beliefs and the world around us, including nature and the environment.

Understanding that courage is not the absence of fear – indeed it is the courage to embrace vulnerability and risk failure, and doing so in an emotionally supportive environment.

Health & Fitness
The self discipline required to increase fitness levels, the attention to nutrition to support that, and the recognition of the resulting benefits to health – both physical and mental.

Behaving in ways that show our true self and how we feel, and doing so respectfully in regards to others but with the courage to risk disapproval or non-acceptance.

Challenge & Achievement
Personal growth never happens inside our comfort zone! Achievement comes from showing up for mental, physical, social and emotional challenges in a supportive environment, with sense of fun and adventure.

Developing respect for others, the environment and self, knowing that respect is earned and cannot be demanded.

Learning about decision making and resulting consequences, and responsibility and accountability for words and actions.

Providing a physically and emotionally supportive environment to encourage personal challenge and growth.

Removing digital distraction and other peer based judgement levels to allow for real and meaningful communication. Creating an environment in which each person has a right to be heard and each person learns the value of listening.

Empowerment & Resilience
The power that comes from the courage to take a risk, the determination to deal with adversity, the tenacity to continue, and the self belief to adapt to changing circumstances.

Curriculum & Co-curricular Priorities

All Getaway Trekking School Treks are linked to various sections of the Australian National Curriculum. Individual treks and adventures will cover those areas.

Cross Curriculum Priorities

Sustainability (all treks)

Working in the outdoors provides a unique opportunity to help students develop an appreciation and awareness of the natural environment, impacts of day to day decisions and develop awareness of minimal impact practices.

Sustainability also relates to a changing world and geographies of human well being, with the opportunity to consider the impacts of various factors including economic, climate change, cultural, technological.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Histories & Cultures

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures priority provides opportunities for all students to deepen their knowledge of Australia by engaging with the world’s oldest continuous living cultures.

It is human nature that we often fear what we don’t understand. Fear can lead to prejudice and mis-conceptions, and it is only through education that respect and recognition will develop. Learnings are approached through the inter connected elements of country, culture and people, leading to a deeper understanding of traditions and holistic world views of Aboriginal communities and/or Torres Strait Islander communities.

It is only through education that we develop understanding, appreciation and respect. And it is only on this path that we move towards reconciliation.

Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia (some treks)

Australia’s geographical position in the Asia Region facilitates our extensive engagement with Asia in the social, cultural, political and economic areas. Increasingly Australia is looking to strengthen ties with Asia, and the ongoing wellbeing of the region is critical to our future.

Immigrants from many Asian countries have contributed to Australia’s early and current development, with the first significant numbers of Chinese immigrants arriving during the gold rush of the 1850’s and 1860’s.
Relationships with Asian countries have historically ebbed and flowed, hostilities with Japan during WWII, and specifically the Kokoda Campaign an obvious example.

Self Development Opportunities

Personal Growth

To gain insights into self, use those to build awareness of our place in the world, and the self belief, confidence, discipline and motivation to set and achieve goals.


Recognising and appreciating others strengths and skills, and the exponential effect of combining different skillsets in a team environment. Understanding that effective teamwork includes trust, communication and respect.

Leadership Development

Building leadership abilities within a team environment, using interpersonal and communication skills to create an inclusive environment for all team members.


Understanding our role in a global society and the concept of service to others and the world around us. Appreciation of the rewards of service, leading to the development of a service ethic for the betterment of others and the environment.


Developing a sense of responsibility and accountability for own words, actions and decisions, and understanding the correlation to consequences – good and bad.


Caring for others, understanding that each person is unique, brings something to the table, and has internal concerns and issues that we have the capacity to support with empathy and compassion.

Environmental Awareness

Understanding that each of us has an ethical responsibility in relation to the natural environment, and the impact that day to day choices have on the world we live in.

Meet The Executive Team

Sue Fitcher
Senior Trek Leader
Deb Manders
Managing Director
Wayne Fitcher
Senior Trek Leader

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