
Wayne joined Getaway Trekking in ’06 and with 35+ treks under his belt his expertise in this area is second to none. Here Wayne shares his key tips for getting your all important gear pack right.

> Pack light weight gear as much as possible. Even a light pack becomes heavy at the end of a long day especially when it rains

> Blister theory: heat + moisture => friction. Eliminate heat or moisture, no friction => no blisters.

> Loose boots/thin socks. You want your foot to move freely within your boot & allow the heat to escape

> Quick drying lightweight clothes – skins, no cotton => no chafe.

> Compartmentalise all of you gear, use zip lock bags, dry sacks, compression bags, rubber bands.

> Try to pack smart, heavier items placed at the bottom of your pack and if possible close to your back to reduce your centre of gravity and thereby providing better stability.

> Place snacks and things you need (e.g. head torch) in easily accessible areas either top or side pocket.

> Pack your Passport in a sealed zip lock bag.

> Regular, appropriate training (e.g. more emphasis on squats, lunges, hills) in boots / clothes /gear you intend trekking in.

> Hills, hills and then more hills is one of our favourite pieces of advice.

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